An old friend and school teacher Carrie Frampton was visiting the high arctic (Igloolik). I asked her what she saw and were there effects of global warming in the region. Here is a copy of her post from our Trubeach app.
Carrie Frampton wrote "We were in Igloolik in May, so 24 hour daylight, warm enough that it snowed a fair amount, and the Arctic was still frozen enough for skidooing. We spent a day “on the land” with an elder, Theo, who took us to the “Flow Edge” where the ice meets the Arctic Ocean, 12km from land. He was telling us that climate change signs were everywhere, including the facts that octopus and squid have been seen in the Arctic for the first time, and Spring songbirds have started to visit (we saw and heard one on a telephone wire). Meanwhile, the Eider ducks and snow geese were flying in! The seals were popping their heads up through air holes in the ice. So some things remain as usual and others are new. Igloolik people still live off the land, ice fishing for Arctic char, hunting seal, walrus, and polar bears, and even whales! The community is full of actors and circus performers (Arcirque is an offshoot of Cirque du Soleil), writers, carvers, and crochet-ers. The language is alive and well. I look forward to returning!"
Thanks so much for sharing Carrie!